
85% of Tempo members make progress in 4 weeks. With unlimited AI-powered workouts, Olympic-grade equipment, and world-class trainers, it's no wonder why.


In 2023, Tempo underwent major changes. The entire digital experience was going through a relaunch, internally dubbed "Tempo 2.0". Alongside the launch, the leadership team wanted to completely rebrand and redesign the website. I was responsible for leading this rebrand in close collaboration with our senior art director and VP of marketing. I ultimately delivered the brand guidelines, website designs and all the photo/video content that would be required for launch.

The original brand guidelines were limiting and had been played out in many iterations over the history of the company, the opportunity here was to reimagine the brand from the ground up, including its color palette to the type of photography used to the brand's voice and tone.
Our main focus was to separate ourselves from the rest of the fitness industry, which often uses predictable colors, imagery and language to convey sweat and energy. How could we maintain the psyche of a fitness brand and inspire confidence in our products while approaching the brand from a new and unique perspective?
Through many creative iterations, we landed on developing Tempo into a "Legacy Brand" as opposed to the hot new thing. This gives Tempo the credibility that it's products are built to last and not just a fad of the times. It's this duality between AI-powered technology and a luxury home goods brand that gives Tempo a unique voice within the marketplace.

Through consistent language and visuals across the website, landing pages, emails, organic social and paid media, Tempo has earned its position as the premium home fitness product. As a result, quantitive studies have yielded a 40% increase in perceived brand value by prospects and Tempo's cost of aquiring customers continues to decrease over time.

Once the rebrand was established, I led a team of 45+ to produce over 2,500 photos and 8+ hours of video content to be used in the launch as well as marketing/product content for the following 12 months. I also collaborated closely with the web development team based in Egypt to build the complex E-commerce website in less than 2 months.